Sell Your Trucks
Palmetto Fire Apparatus, a leading dealer in the market for used emergency vehicles, is rapidly expanding its business and is looking to add to its inventory of quality, pre-owned vehicles. Whether you are a new vehicle dealer looking to price your trades, or a department looking to sell a truck or fleet, PFA is ready to offer cash for quality, used vehicles. We buy everything from single units to entire fleets.Palmetto Fire Apparatus has been buying and selling used vehicles since 2006. We regularly purchase and sell vehicles from/to customers across the US and even overseas. Unlike most dealers in the market, Palmetto Fire Apparatus owns its vehicle inventory, which allows us to control the quality of the delivered product, and to offer a warranty to our buyers. Importantly, when Palmetto Fire Apparatus purchases your vehicle, PAYMENT WILL BE MADE IN FULL WHEN WE TAKE DELIVERY. Customers get their cash to put to work towards the purchase of their new vehicles.
WE CURRENTLY HAVE MANY CUSTOMERS LOOKING FOR QUALITY, RECENT MODEL APPARATUS, AND WE ARE ACTIVELY GROWING OUR INVENTORY TO MEET THIS DEMAND. If you have a truck or fleet for sale, please contact us at, or simply fill out this apparatus information form and we will get in touch with you shortly.